We don’t have all the details yet, but one thing was certain Saturday: Hundreds of child molesters are off Southland streets after a massive federal and local law enforcement crackdown.
“Operation Broken Heart III” nabbed 238 suspected child predators during a two-month drive, according to officials. Participating law enforcement agencies will provide the full story to the public Monday. Full Article
Let me guess…child porn arrests. Hundreds of “child molesters”, predators. Labeled and assumed to be the worst of the worst. It’s very likely that only a few small few of these so called “child molesters”, these “predators” have ever done anything inappropriate with a child. Of course this doesn’t matter. This little detail will never be known by the general public and funding will come pouring in for law enforcement to continue rounding up men addicted to pornography by the thousands. Just wait until jr high kids and high school teens are being arrested by the hundreds, the thousands. Then and only then will the public wake up.
Something is off about this news brief.
I highly doubt that 238 child predators were arrested. There’s also a lot of doubt that most of these individuals were molesting children. Perhaps the strangest aspect is calling the operation a crackdown.
Child predator is a specific term and depending on who uses it and where, the term could have slightly different meanings. Unfortunately molestation is as bad of a descriptor for suspected activity. In one place the degree or lack thereof of something might not qualify as molestation, but elsewhere it could. Finally the crackdown element is distributing because it implies government agencies knew what was going on, decided to wait (while real harm was being done), and then when it got bad enough (so much for saving just one child [according to most one child is too many to be harmed. Good luck explaining the logic of a crackdown]) they acted.
Language can be confusing if used incorrectly and having vague language on top of poor usage does not help. In fact in this instance the way the brief reads it seems like bad stuff should have been prevented sooner.
Oh my gosh, how horrible. At least thousands of innocent children can sleep safe tonight.
staged online stings that setup non-contact sinarios to entrap those that in most cases did not actually commit a crime, but was arrested and charged only by the proposition of possibly committing a crime. A lot of grey area here!
These charges stick only because of them being sexually related…all other crimes require a higher standard for conviction…
These type of law enforcement actions violate the concept of innocent until proven guilty. Judges need to consider these simple truths before allowing conviction or even deciding to hear a case of this nature.
I think we should start our own sting , like sting some of these dam stalkers , set there butts up , sting the stingers,
And yet during the same period of time, hundreds if not thousands of REAL underage boys and girls chat sexually with adult men and women, arrange meetings with them and think of creative ways to circumvent parental observation and open themselves up to sexual assault, rape and possibly death.
How many online stings has law enforcement conducted to identify REAL kids who go online and try to get laid by adults? 0
How many kids could have law enforcement protected by adding that strategy to their sexual assault prevention plan? >1
Law enforcement does not seem to care about truly helping kids because they do nothing to protect kids from themselves. Not one single law enforcement agency in the United States has ever conducted an online sting operation where the officer poses as a child predator and roots out the real kids that are out there being stupid. Not one.
All too often we see reports where the child runs away with the adult, almost always an adult of a young age 18-25 and then they find out that the CHILD was the one who initiated contact via Facebook(the leading molesters’ menu of victims website) and cell apps.
If police officer has a 14 year old daughter and she has a smartphone or private web access in her room and they do not check it, they might as well molest her themselves because she will find someone else to do it eventually.
So law enforcement, I challenge you to add a new weapon in your claimed efforts to protect kids, by getting those kids discovered and their parents on notice that they are preying on adults online and allowing themselves to be preyed upon.
If it saves just one child from molestation, rape or even death, then is the effort not worth the cost? One unsupervised child could easily have dozens if not hundreds of molesters.
By stopping just one frisky young girl you could save her and hundreds of men and women from doing something they might regret forever. I speculate that same girl, if she goes undiscovered until adulthood, could end up being a teacher that rapes her students one day. So by not going after these kids AND the adults in a two-pronged attack, law enforcement is actually creating more sex offenders than they catch. Job security?
What is interest and arguably contradictory is that traditional, sex with a minor is a strict liability crime, Barring some statutory exception is not a defense. If the victim is underage, it does not matter what the defender thought even if the victim misrepresented their age or shoed you some kind of fake ID. On the other hand, of late, new laws have been written regarding attempt. That is what gets us to these stings. If you meet an 20 year old somewhere and she tells you that she is 15 and you have sex with her, no crime. If you meet some 40 year old male cop on line and he tells you that he is a 15 year old girl and you set up a meeting, crime. Notice how there is no great hue and cry to change the old strict liability laws to allow for a defense of true ignorance or misrepresentation. Funny how the law works sometimes.
The really is, most of these charges will be toss, especially if any of them are cops or ex-cops that was arrested and this will not be reported to the media.
And look what is going on with the OAKLAND POLICE DEPARTMENT that is all over the news ! at least 3 COPS have had sex with a underaged prostitute ! Looks like eventually all 3 will become sex offenders then they can suffer the wrath of what a 290 is getting !!!
Here’s some additional info on the arrests.
and Huston: